I've got to where I am satisfied with my outcome on ArcoLinuxD installing Awesome WM on my old Acer laptop and it looks pretty good with the theming colors I picked out to go with the wall paper. To me Awesome is one of the easier to work with if you use the ArcoLinux way to do your set up and then tweak things over the way you like it. I've themed out Dmenu to match the powerline bar at top.
Probably the only thing I don't like about the ArcoLinux way of install is the amount of packages it installs, about 800 more than what I have on my Arch I3 and the memory usage is higher, but it hasn't run like it's bloated. Now all I have to do is upload my dot files to Github so I can use this again if I need to. Other than that it's pretty vanilla and runs like Linux . Enjoy!