Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Bitterroots, by C.J. Box, Cassie Dewell Series Book 4

I'm no longer going to count this as a "Highway Quartet" series.  These books after the 1st 1-1/2 books are all about Cassie.

The Lizard King killed her mentor and Cassie has killed the Lizard King twice.  Okay, maybe just once but now he is dead.  After being humiliated and then vindicated by lousy planning by a county DA, Cassie is fed up with being a cop and becomes a PI in North Dakota and Montana and now she is becoming successful.  Cassie is now being called in for a favor by a defense attorney.  

Blake Kleinsasser has been accused of rape and the evidence is pretty solid.  Defense attorney Rachel Mitchell is calling in a favor and just wants to make sure the D.A. in the county the crime committed did his job.  Cassie is set on the fact that Kleinsasser is guilty and goes to Lochsa County to meet with the Sherrif, the former attorney, the raped girl, and her family.  Starting with checking into her hotel room, Cassie feels resistance, and this resistance is coming from the founding fathers of the county, the Kleinsassers'.

For me, Cassie Dewell never was quite as good as the Joe Picket series, Boxes other series.  The Bitterroots is just as good as any of the Picket books written. I'm giving this a 9 of 10, but it could easily be a 10 of 10, it's just that good.

The Bitterroots, by C.J. Box, 
Cassie Dewell Series Book 4

Fatal Promise by Angela Marsons, DI Kim Stone Series Book 9

Fatal Promise starts with DI Kim Stone getting medically release after breaking her leg at the end of her last book, Dying Truth.  Now she has to go back to work and deal with the death and replacement of one of her teammates.  Her team, Bryant and Stace, had been temped out to other squads and under-used, but now it's time for a new case and a new team member.

Both the case and the team member are from previous books. One is a Doctor from the Spades, one of the graduates for the Heathcrest Acadamy, the private school for Dying Truth (Book 8) and the addition of Penn, a detective from the team that Kim had worked with a couple of books ago.  Penn is an excellent data miner, just like Stacey.  Penn's biggest problem is that Stacey and Kim look at him as replacing Dawson, not as what or who he is.

Stacey is on her first case running solo form a missing persons case from when she was on loan and things are not smelling right for her.  It's up to her to find a 15-year-old girl with medical problems, with friends and her father that don't really care that she is missing.

Going back to the Doctor, he is found dead in a wilderness area with very small clues.  More people are found dead and clues lead us to a father and son.  Now Kim has them all wrapped up but there is still doubt because everything is just too easy.

So do Stace and Penn put their differences aside?  Can Kim overcome her feeling that Dawson's death was her fault?  Can Kim justify making Penn leave her team?  Do Kim and Stace solve their cases?

After Dying Truth, Fatal Promises was not quite as good, but I think it's because Dying Truth was just that good.  I'm going to rate this 8 of 10.  It's still a great book.

Fatal Promise by Angela Marsons,
DI Kim Stone Series Book 9

Dying Truth by Angela Marsons, DI Kim Stone Series, Book 8

Angela Marsons likes to write on current social problems and includes them into her DI Kim Stone investigations.  This time Stone is called out to a private school to try to keep a suicide from happening, but she arrives too late.  As she prepares to leave the scene, it is now not her case, she gets a gut feeling and goes to check out where the girl had jumped off the roof of the school.  With Kim Stone, you have to check off every box and this case didn't add up. Following Keats' autopsy, she discovers that the girl's injuries do not match how she had supposedly died.  She had been murdered.

It turns out there's a secret in that school and people are willing to kill to keep it.  A couple of deaths later, an attempted murder, and investigating prior mishaps the team learns about secret societies and peer pressure at the school, not only with the students but with the teachers and parents.

Marsons supprises us with heroic death of a team member at the end of the book, and now the others have to learn how to cope with that death.

This is one of the best books in the series, I'll give this a 9.5 out of 10, with this being the first half point I've given.

Dying Truth by Angela Marsons, 
DI Kim Stone Series, Book 8

Time to Catch Up

I've read three books and a new distro, I just reloaded Manjaro XFCE, that I need to post here, but with working in the warehouse, where the temperature is 100 degrees in the afternoon and the only air movement is from swamp coolers adding humidity to an already 30% humidity.  It doesn't sound like much but when the outside temperature is 110 degrees it starts getting a little soupy.  This is the forecast for today;

Without getting into the specifics, which nothing has really changed, here's a view of my new desktop.

Either way, enjoy your labor day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

WWW Wednesday, 8/21/19

I haven't done this for a while only because I'm not in the habit and can't remember to do this.

I like to push this along to everybody, the WWW Wednesdays is a great idea.  I'm not much of a reviewer but I like to leave a little something so I can review what I've read and seen what other people are reading.

The Three W's are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

Just fill this in by either a comment from the link in the picture or put it your own blog and add a link to your blog in their comment section.

What are you currently reading?  I'm reading the 8th DI Kim Stone novel by Angela Marsons called Dying Truth.

What did you recently finish reading?  Fletch by Gregory McDonald.  It's an okay book with a few smart-aleck humor and it kept me entertained while I was reading it.  Isn't that what we want from a book?

What do you think you'll read next?  I love C.J. Box and will be starting the 4th book in the Cassie Dewell series, The Bitterroots.  This is the 5th book in the Highway Quartet, the 1st book featured Cody Hoyt, but I guess Box wanted to start a series with a female lead, like so many other writers are doing.  If you go through my blogger site you see I read a lot of female protagonists books, like Atlee Pine and as of late DI Kim Stone.  Sometimes just reading all-male macho books gets to be too much, like Mitch Rapp and Scot Harvath, which I will always read.

Make sure to follow the link by clicking on the picture above and leave your reply.

Feel Good Wednesday

I needed this and thought I would share it here on my blog.  I shot this at work so don't tell the boss!

EDIT: I've always questioned people about not making videos with their phone in a landscape mode, you know, holding your phone sideways so it fits your computer better.  So how did I film this?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fletch by Gregory McDonald, Book 1 in the Fletch Series

I've gotten behind here, with my computer Linux hobbies and paint preparation for the house interior, and haven't done much reading or posting my readings at BookLikes, Goodreads and here on Blogger so this will catch me up.  It won't be a long review, it's an old book and Irresponsible Reader gave it a good review a few months ago.  I want to read this series because it sort of reminds me of the old M.A.S.H. series with the second book being M.A.S.H. Goes to Maine, by Richard Hooker with the light-hearted banter.

Fletch is Irving (I.V.) call me Fletch Fletcher (not Jane Doe like the movie).  Fletch is on a story trying to solve the mystery of where are the drugs coming from on the Beach and is under a lot of pressure to turn in his book from his editor's assistant, a woman that hates Fletch and the feeling is mutually returned.  While looking like a strung-out druggie (he does  smoke a little pot, heck it's the 70's in California) he is approached by Alan Stanwyck, a man that married his bosses daughter and then started running the father's aviation parts company so the father could put all his efforts into running his tennis club and setting up tournaments.  Stanwyck wants Fletch to murder him.

Fletch the book is a light read, 254 pages, about the investigation of the drugs on the Beach and also into Alan Stanwyck.  There are humor, murder and mayhem and all in all it's a decent book.  Like IR, I also did the audiobook, narrated by Dan John Miller and it really made the book better.

I'm rating this 6 out of 10.  Even though it's written in the 70's it's not really dated and enjoyable to read.

Fletch by Gregory McDonald,
Book 1 in the Fletch Series

The Body in the Marsh by Nick Louth, Book 1 in the DCI Craig Gillard Series

This is the first in a series about DCI Craig Gillard, a good detective that has led a clean life, seems to be fit and the subject of a lot of water-cooler talk by the ladies.  Without getting into the sub-plots of the story DCI Gillard is called in to find a missing person, which turns out to be his first love ever, the now married Elizabeth Knight.  Liz Knight gave up her education and promising future career to marry Martin Knight, a Professor that would become a pain in the police department's butt by doing reports on how the police department was lax in their work, and how criminals were not trained to return to society and become contributing members to their community.  Liz turned down an education at Harvard so she could concentrate on her romance with her future husband and become a mother of two.

The beginning of the hunt for Liz is not helped by Liz's husband, Professor Martin Knight's denial that Liz is missing by not really co-operating with the police, and Professor Knight simply justs vanishes off the face of the earth.  DNA evidence is later found proofing that Liz is now dead, but no body is ever found.  With Professor Knight missing, a multi-country manhunt for Martin Knight goes into effect.  Evidence of affairs are found against the Professor even hurts his case even more.  After months of investigation, neither Knight is found and with the pressure of the public and press, Gillard is removed from the case.

The Body in the Marsh is well written, even though sometimes you want to scream at your book or ebook reader for the police to open their eyes to the obvious.  The sub-plots of the story work well with the investigation and Louth did his homework to make the read as real as an investigation can get.  Although DCI Gillard is a smart detective, he sort of fumbles his way to solve the case. This being his diligence to work the case from his insight and gut feelings. Eventually, he is put back on the case and works his way to the point to where he can solve the case. 

I like this series.  For me, I'm rating this 7 out of 10 and in no means does that mean this book is mediocre.  Louth didn't just go through the paces but pieced together a really good book and I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

The Body in the Marsh by Nick Louth,
Book 1 in the DCI Craig Gillard Series

MKBHD Interviews Bill Gates

I'm not familiar with Marques Brownlee, or MKBHD and his YouTube channel, but I must be a minority in that because he has over 9 million followers of his channel,  I watch Linux Tech Tips and he sometimes makes comments about MKBHD so I went over to MKBHD channel  to see if he does videos that I would like.  Cruising his home page I see a lot of phone reviews, tech accessory reviews, and some opinion pieces about various tech issues.  What sells me on his channel is his interviews.  In February 2019 he does a great interview with Bill Gates, coming up with smart and intelligent questions, well maybe not jumping over a chair, but that was fun to hear Bill Gates talk about.

Click over to Marques' channel and check it out.  Now I'm going back to see his interviews with Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

I like to watch videos on Linux and FOSS, but I don't think any of the people I follow would ever do interviews with people of the caliber that Marques has done.  This is why he deserves over 9 million subscribers.  He just got one more today.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Is Linux Really the Most Used OS in the World?

Yes.  Well, maybe.  OK, yes.  Who uses Linux?  Almost every time you go online you are on a Linux server.  Your Android phone is based on a Linux kernel.  TV's and appliances that connect to the internet. probably some cars, and lots of other products similar to these are based on the Linux kernel.

Now, what do Linux desktop users call Linux?  We call it FOSS (Free Open Source Software) or FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software).  When I say free I'm not really talking about free as in money but free as in anybody can follow the GPL and use FOSS software when they want it, and 99% is free in price.  There is some proprietary software available for Linux, like Google Chrome Browser, but I use their open-source version, Chromium.  Look recently at Manjaro's announcement to include Free Office, which is proprietary and all the fallout they received.  Look at Ubuntu and the fallout they got over having an Amazon icon on their Unity releases.  They caught hell.  Manjaro smartly backtracked and offer it as a choice on their installer.  People were even complaining about ClearOS, which was later clarified that the things people thought were insecure could be opted out of, just like Ubuntu's information collection.  The Linux desktop community want FOSS.

Now, take all the Linux servers.  Are they really FOSS.  Yes and no.  Who maintains the servers?  Largely RHEL (Fedora), Canonical (Ubuntu), CentOS (downstream RHEL), Oracle Solaris (Open Solaris), SUSE (Open Suse), and ClearOS (downstream RHEL) by Intel, are big companies that make big bucks maintaining and operating these servers.  They do come up with proprietary software but they do trickle it down to their free versions, and then this software can become better through community involvement.  Lots of other servers are run off the branches of these operating systems.  300+ software distros based on 4 or 5 main distros are involved.  RHEL is there own, Canonical is Debian, Suse is based on Slackware, and actually, Oracle Solaris is Unix and their own.  We are now seeing Municipalities or smaller governments switching to everything Linux, for security and licensing.

Is Android actually Linux?  Is Chromebook actually Linux?  They are built off the Linux kernel but no, they are not Linux. People can build apps for them and present them upstream to Google, but these are proprietary and the only thing in common with Linux is the Kernel. 

Will Linux ever be on a phone, yes, but so small that they will be lower than Windows in market share if Windows even still offers a phone.  The only way for Linux to get on a phone is if somebody like Samsung, or maybe even Huawei.  Huawei might go to Linux just to get out from under the Google umbrella, with Huawei being a Chinese company.  Will Huawei be a problem being Chinese?  No.  I'm sure there will be auditing of the system like any other system and still all the conspiracy theorist will be claiming the Chinese are spying.  But who's to say somebody is not listening in on Androids, Alexas, Siris, or Hey BooBoo (Google).

But to answer my first question, Yes, Linux is the most used computer operating system in the world.

Just another late night ramble by LqLarry

Windows Computer or Chromebook?

ZDNet has an article called "Windows or Chromebook? A Best Buy salesman told me it isn't even close".  I really want to call it dumb but I guess it's just your usual clickbait.  If the Best Buy salesman was someone that really knew anything, he wouldn't have answered the question that way.  The only thing a Window's computer at an entry-level price is good for is proprietary software that is low on system resources.  That's it.  If you're a gamer, if you use Adobe Creative Suite or a CAD program, you're going to buy a high-end Windows computer with lots of memory and a high-end CPU and graphic's card.  If you are smart you'll have one built to match your needs.  That's the only reason to buy a Window's computer.  I wanted to scream when my step sister-in-law made my mother-in-law buy an HP Windows computer.  Now it doesn't work from her visiting kids and grand children's abuse.  I bought her an Amazon Fire HD8 and she's a happy camper.

For people that need Windows, it's a tool.  That's all.  Yes, gamers use them but I still call it a tool.

My 9-year-old Window's laptop still runs perfectly.  I've got Linux on it.  Now is Linux for everybody?  No.  See the reasons I listed above for buying a Windows computer.  My 10-month-old Chromebook still runs great.  It does everything I need it to do and it cost $200 less than a comparable Windows computer.  My 2-year-old AmazonFire HD10 still runs great.  I use it daily.

Buy what you need, and don't listen to a salesperson that just wants to push a product.  Shop around and get what suits your needs.  Remember in the article what the salesman said when asked about updates and freezing?  Then explain it to someone that just wants to read what on the internet, check their email or God forbid, Facebook.  Tell that to the person that only has a few minutes for a presentation and has to wait for Windows to update.  The only other product like that are Android phones, and that's only 3 or 4 times a year, not monthly.

I don't know about Apple, but I LOVE watching Loius Rossmann on YouTube.  Watching him is entertaining. I know nothing about the repairs he does or electronics but I learn about business and enjoy his points of view, whether I agree with him or not.  So no Apple for me.  Is Apple better than Windows?  I don't know how updates are on Apple but if you buy a high-end Apple and compare this to the specs on a similar priced Windows box and Windows will come out on top.  

Now, put two-thirds of that money on a Linux computer and you got a supercomputer.  Just remember gaming is getting better on Linux. Valve has Steam and Proton now for lots of games you can play in.  Add to the fact that if Google Stadia really takes off then it sounds like Linux will have more games since stadia is probably going to be supported.  It even looks like Linux is going to get NVidia support, kinda maybe(?).  But right now Windows is top dog on gaming right now.  But is Windows on life support right now?

ArcoLinux Awesome is an Awesome Window Manager

While ArcoLinux is awesome, I've installed the Awesome WM (window manager) using ArcoLinuxD.  ArcoLinux is based on Arch Linux, the AUR (Arch Users Repository) and ArcoLinux customizations of the Arch Linux.  Since I'm not a programmer, I followed the YouTube Channel of Erik Dubois and his instructions for installing Awesome. 

ArcoLinux has everything for almost everybody if you are looking for an easy alternative to Arch Linux without the command line installation.  If you do the ArcoLinux "D" installer you just go to Erik's YouTube page and search for Awesome, or whatever flavor you want and follow the video instructions.  For me, since I've been watching a lot of Erik.s videos I knew the first Awesome video is # 295, but you need to start at # 294 to get the instructions to install ArchLinuxD using Calamari, which installs the base, or basics of what you need to install any of the flavors that I listed below.  Just looking at the numbers, most people do not install the "D" but install the vanilla ArcoLinux.  I chose the "D" after watching DistoTube's YouTube video of his install of ArcoLinuxD Awesome it look plain and easy enough for me.  DT's distro-hopping this summer and his videos are every educating if you want to learn about Linux, or Gnu-Linux as the purist will call it.  After watching these videos this is what I came up with.

It's getting BAMA football season and I just had to theme it to BAMA colors.

Just so you get an idea of what you can install in ArcoLinux here's a list from the ArcoLinuxD GitHub page.
  1. Arco-Plasma (a desktop environment using KDE)
  2. Arco-LXQT (a desktop environment of the new LXDE done in QT, pronounce cutie)
  3. Arco-Xmonad (a tiling window manager)
  4. Arco-XFCE (a desktop environment XFCE is one of the most bullet-proof desktops out there)
  5. Arco-Qtile (a tiling window manager)
  6. Arco-Openbox (a tiling window manager based on LXDE (maybe now LXQT?))
  7. Arco-Mate (a desktop environment based on the old Gnome 2)
  8. Arco-i3 (a tiling window manager)
  9. Arco-Gnome (a desktop environment based on the newer Gnome 3)
  10. Arco-Deepin (a desktop environment done in QT)
  11. Arco-Cinnamon (a desktop environment created after Gnome left Gnome 2 to go to Gnome 3)
  12. Arco-Budgie (a desktop environment based on Gnome)
  13. Arco BSPWM (a tiling window manager)
  14. Arco-Awesome (a tiling manager with some use of LUA programming language)
  15. Arco-JWM (a tiling manager (Joe's) that is very minimalistic and lightweight with floating windows)
  16. Arco-Herbstluftwm (a tiling window manager designed for multiple windows)
  17. Arco-Enlightenment (a desktop-environment that is very minimalistic and changes from whichever Linux you download, ie Debian, Arch, RHL, Solaris, etc)
You see two different types of operating systems and they are all based on Arch.  A desktop environment is what most people use.  It has the GUI that anybody using Windows or Apple could switch over and use and feel sort of comfortable with.  The tiling window managers are for using keyboards and not a mouse.  If you have used a laptop as long as I have you might like the idea of a windows manager.  The tiling part and tags, or switching between desktops takes a little getting used to.  You just can't cover-up a window and alt-tab back and forth.  Every time you open a window it will tile side by side.  Awesome is a dynamic tiling manager and handles tiling differently than i3.

Most of these are on here because ArcoLinux is based on Arch Linux and Arch has all these desktop environments and window managers available.  When I look at the ArcoLinux website they do not list many developers, so keeping up with 17 different flavors has got to be hard work, but I'm sure they have a strong community behind them.  Their website is very user-friendly and like I said earlier, Erik has put out lots of videos on most if not all the different environments and lots of reported issues even have videos to help you solve most problems you might encounter.  ArcoLinux will fix issues and some of these videos won't have to be viewed, but if you do have a problem, check out their website and their forum.  

My experience is mostly positive, I do have a problem with Variety, a program that manages your wallpaper and I can't get it to stop changing my wallpaper, after telling it in the and also in the GUI.  Any other problems that I had were self-inflicted so I cannot blame the ArcoLinux team for these.  I will still keep my Mangaro i3 on one of my discs (I don't use Virtual Machine boxes, I change out discs in my laptop and the if I want to use a different distro that I have not erased I just plug my SATA adapter into the disc and then my USB and boot from USB).  Right now I have Awesome in my old Aspire 5750 laptop and I want it to use it day-to-day.  I love Manjaro and I will keep it as a fallback, but with the video support that ArcoLinux has, I want to support them and their time they put into their work.  I can easily update both, Manjaro has Pamac and ArcoLinux has an alias to use in terminal to update Pacman, the AUR, and the ArcoLinux GitHub.

I do want to add that I did get a straight vanilla installation of Arch XFCE and Arch i3 working and enjoying both of them. The i3 I didn't quite finish because I'm not up to the knowledge I need to configure I3 to my liking, and the XFCE wouldn't allow a couple of key programs that I use to work.  That's when I saw Distrotube's video on Awesome and never turned back.

As for Awesome and ArcoLinux, I love the status bar they use, using the LUA language.  The biggest difference between Awesome and i3 is that I don't feel guilty when I use my mouse trackpad.  I've used desktop environments since Windows 95 and just switched to a window manager last month and it's just habit.  I think I've spent more time configuring Awesome than i3 but I blame that on the all the Awesome related videos.  With the exception of the right-clickable desktop and the LUA configuration files, everything else has been close to the same, having to add widevine to Chromium to watch Netflix.  My next little learning project is learning mpd & ncmpcpp music players and visualizations and assigning applications to tags.

If you want to learn more about window managers then check out Distrotube's series on Obscure Window Managers Projects.  This probably has been my longest post I've ever made but the review is well worth it.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

One Good Deed by David Baldacci

I really like David Baldacci, and me being a reader that likes series more than stand-alone books, I still had to read this book.  My only problem is that I got into reading Angela Marsons and had to put this off a couple of weeks after it came out to read.

The first thing I have to say is do the audiobook. The book takes place in 1949 and if you like old 50's drama movies then this will be perfect for you.  It reads just like one of those old movies.  All the "Now see here's" and the women talking tough and then going all mushy.  I bet Baldacci did a lot of research watching these old movies. 

Then there's the way women are portrayed in this book;
Brooks nodded. “I am convinced, Mr. Archer. She has nothing to worry about from me. It was a terrible thing for her to endure. Even more so for a young woman. They are very delicate.”

Archer’s gaze at the man sharpened. “You married?”

Brooks looked surprised at the question. “Well, yes.”

“You work, and your wife stays at home?”

“She has no head for matters outside of the home.”

“You might be surprised about that, Mr. Brooks. I mean, I don’t see much logic behind men being the breadwinners and all except it’s just the way it’s always been, and for no good reason. Everybody deserves a fair shake.”

Brooks shook his head and smiled. “A woman’s place is in raising children and keeping the home and assisting her husband. But it’s still important work nonetheless and quite proper for someone with their fairer sensibilities. It’s a hard world out there, Mr. Archer, and men are designed to thrive in that world, not our women. I mean, that’s why they’re referred to as the weaker sex, after all.”

Now before I get into "One Good Deed" I want to say that Baldacci does not have weak women in his books, well, with the exception of this one, and not all the women are weak.  This is the stereotyping of how women were played out in the older movies.  I haven't read books from this period so I can't say about the books, but I'm sure there are loads of the old detective books that are the same way.

One Good Deed is about Aloysius Archer, a survivor of WWII, prison, and tough life in general.  He's got a good head on his shoulders and wants to do right, as long as it keeps himself out of trouble.  Naturally, from judging how I've talked about how the women are characterized in this book, he finds himself surrounded by two women, that can change their emotions like water from a faucet.  One is his parole officer and the other is the mistress of a man that hires him to collect on a debt, which happens to be the father of the second woman.

There is lots of simple intrigues, murders, tough-talking, and even a trial.  The pace of the book is good and if you can picture this book being written 60 years ago instead of released in July 2019, then you might enjoy it.  I did.

f I go on much farther it will just be babbling so read the book.  Listen to the audiobook.  Just don't try to apply anything written in this book to a woman today.

A very strong 4 stars for this book.

One Good Deed by David Baldacci

Monday, August 5, 2019

One Good Deed by David Baldacci at 20% Review

One Good Deed by David Baldacci

The mechanical whoosh and greasy smell of the opening bus doors greeted Aloysius Archer, as he breathed free air for the first time in a while. He wore a threadbare single-breasted brown Victory suit with peak lapels that he’d bought from the Sears, Roebuck catalogue before heading off to war. The jacket was shorter than normal and there were no pleats or cuffs to the pants because that all took up more material than the war would allow; there was no belt for the same reason. A string tie, a fraying, wrinkled white shirt, and scuffed lace-up size twelve plain Oxford shoes completed the only wardrobe he owned. Small clouds of dust rose off his footwear as he trudged to the bus. His pointed chocolate brown fedora with the dented crown had a loop of faded burgundy silk around it. He’d bought the hat after coming back from the war. One of the few times he’d splurged on anything. But a global victory over evil had seemed to warrant it.

I normally don't like overuse of descriptors in sentences, all the adjectives and adverbs get me feeling that there's going to be a lot of fill in this book and less story, but Baldacci makes it work.  Here we meet Aloysius Archer, or as he says, "just call me Archer" as he gets his first steps of freedom after he leaves prison, where they give him a ticket to Poca City, USA,  The year is 1949 and the country is starting to relocate west after post-WWII.

Archer settles in and gets his first job, repossessing a 1947 Cadillac, and this is where the story starts getting good.  Despite serving in Europe during the war and somehow ending up in jail, which hasn't been revealed, we find Archer is an educated thinking man.

Now we find out if this helps Archer, or hurts Archer.

Broken Bones by Angela Marsons, Book 7 in the DI Kim Stone Series

In Angela Marsons' 7th book in the DI Kim Stone, we find Stone's team broken up.  Not disassembled but divided up into two teams, Kim and Bryant, per the DCI's instructions, and Stacey and the overprotective Kevin, see the last book for more details.  Stone and Bryant start looking into suspicious deaths in prostitutes and Stacey and Kevin work on the death of a man found frozen to death in a snowbank. 

While this was a good book, I found it a little different than previous Marsons books where Stone was the main character in almost every chapter, to where we were bouncing around between teams in every other chapter.  Both stories were good and Marsons' always good for her twists in the plot.  

Broken Bones goes between prostitution and how some people find themselves in that field by being forced into it, then it gets into human trafficking, slavery, and bonded service.

This could have been easily 4 or 4-1/2 stars but I think just too much was happening in this book, so I rate it 3-1/2 stars.

Broken Bones by Angela Marsons,
Book 7 in the DI Kim Stone Series

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Ramping UP For BAMA Football

Playing and learning I3WM can be fun, so I'm putting my BAMA spin on it.

Nuff said.

Broken Souls by Angela Marsons, Book 6 in the DI Kim Stone Series

This is the sixth book in the DI Kim Stone series. The prologue starts with the suicide of a teenage boy that has to stop what he is doing to write a letter to his mother to let her know it is not her fault. This part is pretty simple, but Marsons can make simple things into big things. Next, we find DI Stone in a field where she has been called after Doctor A, a forensic archeologist professor that had been called to a field site to dig and has found a human bone. The one bone turns into many bones and foul play is suspected.

All this sets up a very thought-provoking book, hitting on basically any kind of hate crime imaginable, and then some. In a crime thriller series, rarely does a fictional story make you think about things that have affected you, or someone close to you, as this book does. This book puts the small groups of people that hate anybody different and how they go out and hurt these people. Hopefully not as bad as in this book, but with us living in the instant news era, we do see these hate groups too much.

I can't go much further discussing the book unless I start giving out spoilers, and with most of my reading, these books have been out a few years and already discussed. This series for me has become a must-read series. Angela Marsons is turning out to be the Queen of research for her books. I really appreciate the time and quality of her writings and the journey she takes me on when I read her books.

Broken Souls by Angela Marsons,
Book 6 in the DI Kim Stone Series