Sunday, April 7, 2019

Tiamat's Wrath by James S.A. Corey, Book 8 in the Expanse Series

In the religion of ancient Babylon, Tiamat (Akkadian: 𒀭𒋾𒊩𒆳TI.AMAT or 𒀭𒌓𒌈TAM.TUM, Greek: Θαλάττη Thaláttē) is a primordial goddess of the salt sea, mating with Abzû, the god of fresh water, to produce younger gods. She is the symbol of the chaos of primordial creation. (from Google).

Not once in this book is Tiamat mentioned, so I guess they mean "the chaos of primordial creation" part, which when you read this book, it fits.  With that said this is the first "10" that I've given this year, probably because I'm a 62-year-old fanboy of the Expanse series.

I starting reading this book by reading the 7th book in the series, Persepolis Rising and then reading this book Tiamat's Wrath. This took over 35 hours of reading and I had a grin on my face or was a look of amazement the whole time.  Did I say I was a fanboy?

I can't really do a review because to me each of these books are great, and anything written about this book would be spoilers, which I don't like doing.  The Expanse series is written by two people that I've tried to read one of their singular books but didn't really care for it.  I don't know if written of choreographed is actually the correct word for this collaboration but Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck paints beautiful pictures with their storytelling.  This book makes me sad because as of right now, there is only one book left in the series unless something changes.  The nice thing about this book is that even though there are questions left unanswered there is no cliffhanger like after the 7th.

For my friends that haven't read any of this series, give it a chance.  Don't try to binge read these but read 2 or 3 a year so they remain fresh in your head.  There are a lot of quotes made in earlier books that are requoted with no reference and you get that familiarity and sometimes sadness knowing where it came from.

This is a perfect 10, a really a great reading experience.  Did I say I was a fanboy?

Tiamat's Wrath by James S.A. Corey
Book 8 in The Expanse series.

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