Thursday, June 18, 2020

C. J. Box, Long Range, Joe Picket Series Book 20 (2020)

I haven't posted any books since last September because of my health and just couldn't find anything that would get me excited about reading.  I would read during lunch at work but like I just said, everything seemed blah, and no excitement to really write anything about what I was reading and just couldn't write anything about what I was reading, which now I can't remember much of what I read.

But yesterday I changed.  I had to go someplace that I thought would require me to be left alone so I loaded the newest C. J. Box book, Long Range and I had to force myself to put it down.  One thing I love about about Box and hate it when a lot of other authors do is when they use too many paragraphs or pages to describe what is happening without getting into characters or the story.  Too many writers seem to add too much fill to a book by describing what is happening at that moment and time.  Box spends the 1st chapter describing 3 seconds, talking about the flight of a bullet.  Long Range, hence the title.

Box really brings Joe Picket to life, and between Cassie Dewell and Joe Picket he has 2 of the best book series out there.  Every book he writes you think this is the best in the series which only a few writers can accomplish.  So if you haven't read any Joe Picket novels, get Open Range, the first in the series.

All I have to say about this book is that it makes me happy that I started reading again.

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