Seargent York is a good movie for 78 years old, showcasing Gary Cooper who at the age of 40 when this movie was released played the part of a young man that you thought would be in his early twenties. Born and raised in Daniel Boone country in Tennessee, Alvin goes through a time where he goes out to sow his wild oats by boozing and gambling while his poor old mother goes to church and prays for him.
Alvin meets his girl, Gracie, she looks like a teenager and immediately the two know they are going to marry. Alvin's plans don't work out, so when he goes out to reap his revenge he is struck by lightning, blowing up his rifle. Then while walking home he passes his mom's church where Walter Brennan is the preacher and gets that 'Old Time Religion'.
This movie is based on the life of Alvin York, WWI hero and was awarded the Medal of Honor and other numerous awards and medals from other countries for his life-saving work during the war to end all wars. He also gets the girl in the end, but that was a done deal before he went to war.
Back to June Lockhart, movie and TV star and from my childhood, the TV show Lost in Space.
See if you can find it, for what we would call a flag-waving propaganda movie today, it was probably a top movie for its time.