Monday, June 3, 2019

Manjaro KDE

I installed Manjaro KDE on a spare 128GB SDD drive that I exchanged with the Manjaro XFCE that is on my 260GB SDD and it took some work.  The Manjaro help guides that are not on the Manjaro Wiki are all outdated and even installing dropbox took me an hour until I discovered I had to install a file called davfs2 (or I think that's the name) and then the other programs that I prefer and setup took me quite a long time.  One thing about KDE is that it is probably the desktop GUI that can be individualized more than any other GUI out there.  Here's what I have for now.

And this is the XFCE I posted last month.

They both look good! Conky Manager does not play as nicely with KDE as XFCE, and I learned in XFCE what happens when you mess too much with CM.  TTY mode to correct.

When it gets down to it, other than KDE running more resources it does the same as XFCE.  It opens the programs I want and they look the same in either one.

One of my many tinkerings was the VLC player installed.  No matter what setting I tried the controls were in a separate window from the video.  I finally figured out that Manjaro KDE was using the nightly build of VLC.  After reinstalling that and installing the stable version of VLCthat part looked fine.  

I've saved my XFCE and might put it back in my laptop or leave the KDE drive in, or venture into another foray of maybe Fedora KDE, Neon KDE, or stick with the Manjaro XFCE, which I thoroughly liked. 

While typing this I've found a bug with Grammarly, Firefox is not underlining my mistakes, which is at 4 right now.  I might try Chromium or Google Chrome.  I'm not afraid of the Google spy since I use my Chromebook more than my laptop, and it's all about Google.

I would say leave me your thoughts about your KDE experience or Linux likes but no one reads these blogs I write (Grammarly now up to 7, no time to correct.) 

I have to learn how to spell Grammarly.

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