Monday, June 10, 2019

Typical Weekend, Typical Monday

My typical weekend was the same as it ever was... same as it ever was... 
I fought with the Fedora distro Saturday and gave up.  The repositories and RPM's are just way over my head.  Then again I was using their KDE distro and there just wasn't the same amount of love on finding things about Fedora KDE 30 help.

It wasn't a total waste, I'm now using ArchLab's Cinnamon OS, which is a variance of Arch, and I think they got it right.  I didn't have the easy GUI like Ubuntu or Manjaro, but no coding, it just asks you a lot of questions and even lets you pick either a window interface like I3 or other Linux OS's where people use terminal more than a graphical interface like Gnome, KDE, XFCE, and few other choices.  I chose Cinnamon but I like XFCE better, but when you get down to it, it's really all about what programs you run and what distro you use is cake decorations.  You get the same job done with the same programs, Linux programs that is.  But Archlabs got it right.

My typical Monday was...
Starting out on the wrong foot.  My alarm said it was 80 degrees when I woke up.  80 degrees at 5:00 AM, but today was a dry heat.  It was over 96 degrees at my desk in the warehouse.

I did find a great article on the web, African Geographic Magazine Photographer of the Year.  Follow the link and check it out.  

I got my new mattress in and I'm so looking forward to a good nights sleep.  I hope this does it.  OK, I sleep okay but my back is killing me and I hope this does it.

I did find an interesting article at Forbes on another GUI to load Arch Linux.  Check it out here.  I know what I'm doing later this week.

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